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Rilakkuma Collection update

Rilakkuma Collection update as of 1.8.13 (I've decided to remove their zip lock bags!  YAY!)

Rilakkuma Collection update as of 1.8.13 (I’ve decided to remove their zip lock bags! YAY!)

Rilakkuma Collection update as of 1.8.13 (I've decided to remove their zip lock bags!  YAY!)

Rilakkuma Collection update as of 1.8.13 (I’ve decided to remove their zip lock bags! YAY!)

Rilakkuma Collection update as of 1.8.13 (I’ve decided to remove their zip lock bags! YAY!)

8 replies »

  1. I love it, yay they’re more cuddly without bags lol I love your display its so awesome!!! I still need to get myself some more shelving >.< You've got such a nice collection I always love looking at it 😉


    • Yes! I would like to see your collection in its entirety sometime 😉 it’d look sooo awesome!!!!! My display shelves are in funny angles so I can’t take proper photos, hopefully once I move to a new house (with bigger rooms!) in many many many years’ time – I can take better collection pics!!!! XD


  2. Haha, I still love your Kiiroitori maracas one! It’s still one of my favourites but I haven’t had any luck finding it for a reasonable price XD

    I love seeing everything displayed like that! I would never feel upset walking into that room 😉


    • Yea! I feel so happy and excited when I look at my colourful collections! :3 I guess that’s why my wallet is completely drained right? Hehe. And yes! That maracas Kiiro is one of my absolute favs! He cost me an arm though 😀 I had pick up an extra night shift to afford him (back then I was poorer).


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