Author Archives


Welcome to my playground, my refuge!

I'm a GP, a gamer and a collector. This blog started out as a shrine for Rilakkuma, but has since evolved to reflect my current passions. I suppose you could call this my online diary.

I post most regularly on my Flickr:

I used to plush and you can see my work here:

Making my Mini-me from Minnie!

Ever wondered how Minnie looks with brown eyes? Here is the first step in transforming Royal Three’s Minnie into my Mini-me! I chose Meena’s beautiful brown eyes for my Mini-me because I’m pretty positive both Meena and Minnie share the same face sculpt as Margot. Another option was […]

Fixing Rainbow High Doll Lashes

An important survival skill to have as a pedantic collector (and casual customizer) of Rainbow High dolls is knowledge on how to fix uneven or messed up doll lashes. I remember having very little issues with messed up lashes while changing out eyes with hot water for the […]

Colour my heart

Now that my hobby room has been properly set up, I’ve been making an active effort to debox one doll every 2-3 days. I still have a bunch to go through, and there are mountains of unposted photos spanning from last year to share of my Rengoku, plushie […]

The De’Vious Twins!

Oh gosh, I’ve been playing faaaar too much Pokemon Unite lately so my flickr and wordpress have really fallen to the wayside. There are still so many dolls, plushies and Rengoku merch I need to share!  And the great news is, I’ll be going on a full month’s […]

Numbered Jett Dawson!

I can’t believe I lucked out with a numbered Jett Dawson! Mine is #499/1000. I preordered two from Amazon US on release day, and because presales were restricted to the US, I had to resort to using a freight forwarder to ship her to me. Her box came […]

So Lucky Me, So Lucky Emily!

So, it’s been over a year? since I last posted about Hairdorables.  I guess all the defects just overwhelmed me, and there were also multiple things going on during that time, which probably made me fuss and obsess over these even more. Now I’m in a better state […]